
The main objective of this project is to tackle and understand the crisis of values that the EU is currently undergoing in order to diagnose it and to come up with helpful solutions to overcome it.


The AEPDIRI gathers almost all Spanish academics on Public and Private International Law, International Relations and European Law. With more than 700 members and editor of 3 journals, the AEPDIRI constitutes a unique forum for the study of the current situation of the EU. The AEPDIRI is a think tank especially suited to successfully implement this project and to reach the three goals of providing an accurate diagnose of the current situation undergone by the EU, to provide for suited solutions to it and to spread debate with other groups and public in general.


The proposal includes:

  • 3 conferences entitled: Judicial Dialogue in a Multilevel European Legal Area; Fundamental Rights and EU law: Convergence and Tensions; and Rethinking the EU: Governance, Security and Citizenship. All of them will be open to the general public, but targeting in particular researchers, professional groups, university students and civil society representatives. They will be organized in different locations in Spain and they will include a call for papers to young researchers, with a scientific committee and peer review of the proposals received. All of the activities envisaged will be subject to objective systems of evaluation designed beforehand as to its design, implementation and goals achieved.
  • 1 workshop entitled: The dialogue between the ECJ and other international tribunals (ICJ, ITLOS, arbitral tribunals).  They are related to the conferences, but conducted by experienced researchers with a view to starting a debate between young researchers, professional groups and civil society representatives. They will be organized in different locations in Spain.
  • 1 webinar entitled: EU Regional policies: the case of Latin America and the Caribbean. The webinar aims to promote debate on this policy with a focus on the joint initiative on research and innovation.
  • Deliverables: AEPDIRI’s webpage (www.aepdiri.org) and the specific area devoted to the ongoing Jean Monnet project updated to include the new project. And three books, e-books or special editions of our Journals collecting high-quality papers presented at the conferences in accordance with a bling peer-reviewed process.

Outcomes and impact

  • promote excellence in research on EU studies
  • foster the dialogue between academics and policy-makers, in particular to enhance governance of EU policies and promotion of EU values
  • foster the engagement of young academics in teaching and research on European subjects
  • Create synergies with researchers of emerging economies.

All the events will be used to promote discussion and reflection on EU issues and enhance knowledge about the Union and its common values.